Browse our past sermons
Our Sunday sermons are our primary way we preach the Word of God. They have a strong Gospel focus and aim at expounding God’s Word to help believers to grow to look more like Christ through Having Life, Doing Life, Sharing Life.
Join us every Sunday at 9am for our worship service, or catch up on past messages below.
Doing Church God’s Way (February 2024 - Current)
Join us for this series through 1 Timothy to see what God’s plan and design for the church is and how we can be a better, active part of God’s body for His glory.
Anticipation (December 2024)
One of the highlights of the year is our annual Anticipation series in the month leading up to Christmas. Join us each week as we walk through the Gospel of Luke and aim to focus our hearts on celebrating Jesus’ birth and anticipating His return.
Letters to the 7 Churches
A seven-part series going through the 7 letters to the churches in Revelation.
Doing Missions Biblically (13 October 2024)
A special guest message from missionary, Ryan Mitchell, on what scriptural missions looks like and how we can find both purpose and assurance in Jesus’ command in the Great Commission.
Unbelief in Action (8 September 2024)
A standalone message from a special guest, Pastor Jonathan Tempies, looking at Cain as an example of unbelief and learning how to indentify unbelief in our own lives so that we can rightly worship God.
The Book of Psalms (25 August - 1 September 2024)
Two standalone messages looking at two of the Psalms and the themes of God as our Shepherd and King.
The Five Solas (18 August 2024)
A standalone message looking at the Five Solas of the Protestant Reformation and answering the timeless question: “What do we need to do to be made right with God”.
Instructions to Women (July-August 2024)
A Three part mini-series in the book of Timothy looking specifically at the instructions that Paul gives to women in the church
Instructions to Men (June, July 2024)
A four-part sub-series in the book of Timothy looking specifically at the instructions that Paul gives to men.
Worship Conference (1 June 2024)
Three special messages from our conference focusing on three essential aspects of worship: Private, Family, and Corporate
The Difference Between Elders and Deacons (19 May 2024)
God has a very specific design and structure for the church. In this message, we look at the differences between the two offices of Elder and Deacon and their roles in serving the Lord’s church.
Baptism Sunday - 21 April 2024
A special baptism service looking at the case for believer’s baptism by immersion.
Ordination Service - 14 April 2024
A special ordination service for lead pastor, Duan Du Toit as we hear the biblical charge to him and the charge to the church.
Easter Weekend 2024
Easter is a special time of intentionally remembering the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus as He took on the sins of the world and died in our place so that we can have a saving relationship with God. Join us for these two special sermons as we celebrate these truths.
The Word of God (7 Jan - 4 Feb 2024)
A four-part series looking at God’s Word and how it is authoritative, revealing God’s plan of salvation, informing our worship, and serving us our sword.
Joshua: strength and courage in the unknown (31 Dec 2023)
The new year can be filled with the daunting unknown. In this standalone message we see how we can rely on God to provide us with the strength and courage we need to face the unknown and keep focussed on Him.
Heroes of the faith (29Oct-19 Nov 2023
Hebrews 11 outlines several people who are heroes of the faith, people who modelled a faith that pleased God and who we can look to as encouragements in our own faith. Join us as we consider four of these characters in this series.
The Healing of Naaman (22 Oct 2023)
A special guest message in 2 Kings 5, looking at the account of Naaman and how it teaches us that God is Lord over all.
The sermon on the mounT (Jun-Oct 2023)
Join us as we sit under the greatest sermon ever preached… by Jesus Himself. Together we’ll dive into practical, timeless issues that face every believer and learn to live differently in this world.
Guest Messages
A selection of guests speakers at Mountain View
Christ in us the Hope of Glory (28 May 2023)
A special guest message from Colossians 1&2, looking at four ways that we should live in light of the gospel in our lives. A sermon by Peter Harris.
Live in Hope (April 2023)
Peter’s first letter is full of the message of hope that believers have because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Join us as we dig into this rich letter, uncovering this glorious hope.
The Church on Mission: Here, there, and everywhere (March 2023)
Our annual missions month where we hear an update from our supported missionaries and focus on the command to all believers to “make disciplies of all nations”.
State of the Church 2023 (February 2023)
Join us as we go through Jesus’ words to the scribe in Mark 12 as we look at what it means to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Armour of God (January 2023)
“Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the scheme of the devil” - Eph 6:11.
Join us as we discover what the spiritual armour is, why we need it and how we can best use each piece in our daily walk with the Lord.
Anticipation (Christmas 2022)
Each year at Christmas time, Mountain View spends the four weeks leading up to Christmas Day anticipating Christmas. To help us do that, we focus on a new word each week, relating to Christ. This year our words are: Light, Grace, Truth, Glory. Follow along with us each week as we preach on these words and read through our daily devotionals together and anticipate celebrating His birth as well as His return
Walking the Walk - A Series in Ephesians 4-6 (Nov 2022)
In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he goes into very practical detail for how a Christian should live their life. In this series, we’ll look at some practical ways to live out the gospel through our everyday actions.
The Church on Mission: Sharing Life (September 2022)
After celebrating twenty years, it’s important to remind ourselves of our mission as the Church. In this two-part mini-series, we look at the importance of sharing the gospel in our Jerusalem, Samaria, and to the utter most parts of the world.
What we teach
An ongoing series of mini-series that walk through our statement of faith going deeper into what we teach at Mountain View and why
Words for Life (22 May - 26 June 2022)
A six part series in select Psalms looking at key events, situations, and emotions in the Psalmist’s life and how applicable these portions of scripture are for the believer today.
The Fruit of the Spirit (24 April - 15 May 2022)
A four part series looking at the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22 seeing what each of the fruit are, what scripture teaches us about each one, and how we can model them as we seek to look more like Christ.
Easter 2022
Our Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday messages focussed on the importance of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection to atone for the sins of the world and give us eternal life.
The church on mission: sharing life (March 2022)
An update from several of the missionary families that we support as well as Missions focussed sermons from each during our annual missions conference.
Adorn the Doctrine (February 2022)
A six part series through the book of Titus focussed on how the gospel changes the way we live.
Jesus Christ, Our Only Hope in Life and Death
A four part series in Romans 5 and 6 focussing on Christ and why He is our only hope in life and death.
Anticipate Christmas 2021
Our annual five part series that leads up to Christmas. To help us Anticipate Christmas this year we will be looking at a new word relating to Christ each week: Light, Grace, Truth, Glory before culminating in our Christmas Eve service focussing on Christ.
The Church on mission: sharing life
A three part series in which three of our missionary families update us on their ministry around the Western Cape and encourage us from the Word.
That you may believe… - 7 witnesses of Jesus from the Gospel of John (Sep&Oct 2021)
An eight part series looking at the 7 witnesses of Jesus in John’s gospel. Over the next eight weeks we will be looking at John the Baptist, Nathaniel, Peter, Jesus, Martha, Thomas, and the Apostle John to see what they say about Jesus.
Doing Life Together God’s Way (29 Aug - 5 Sep 2021)
A two-part series looking at two important activities of the church: church discipline and grace giving.
Power in Weakness: A Study in 2nd Corinthians
An extended series walking through the book of 2nd Corinthians
The church - February 2021
What is the church? Is it a building? A service we watch online? A get together with friends? Join us as we answer these and other questions in this mini series.
Our Only Hope: 27 December - 3 January
A two part mini-series in Colossians 1 focusing on Jesus as our only hope and how that hope should change the way we live in this world.
Anticipate Christmas 2020: 29 November - 24 December
Over the next four weeks we’ll be anticipating Christmas together by focusing on Jesus. Each week we’ll look at a new word relating to Jesus: Jesus, Christ, Lord, Saviour, and King.
Our Living Hope: 4 - 18 October
A three part series in 1 Peter 1 looking at the living hope of our salvation in Christ and how that hope enables us to rejoice even in times of trial.
Alive in Christ: 5-12 July
A two-part series in Paul’s letter to the Colossians focused on answering: “Who is Jesus?” and “How should we live?” as people who’ve put their faith in the person and works of Jesus.
In His Strength: 3 May 2020
In this standalone message we’re going to answer the challenging question: “What does it mean to live in God’s strength?”
Come and See: 1 March 2020
Join us for this stand alone message as we see how to pursue others relentlessly by inviting others to Come & See Jesus through the Gospel and the way that we live.
Bible Prophecy Conference: 21-23 February 2020
What does the Bible reveal about the end times? Do we know the order of these end times events? Join us for this three day conference where we’ll discover the answers to these and many more questions.
Behind Us and Before Us: 29 December 2019 - 5 January 2020
A two part mini-series looking back at God’s faithfulness in 2019 and looking ahead at how we should live in 2020 based on God’s faithfulness in our lives.
Anticipation 2019: 1 - 24 December 2019
A five part Christmas series that celebrates Christ’s birth and anticipates his return. To help us anticipate during this Christmas season, we’ll look at five words together: Rejoice, Praise, Adore, Worship.
Jonah: 29 September - 20 October 2019
A four part study in the book of Jonah. Together we’ll see what we can learn from Jonah and apply to our lives concerning: God’s will, Prayer, Treating others like God, and Anger management.
Teach us to Pray: 26 May - 23 June 2019
A four part series looking at how to pray. Together, we’ll look at people in scripture and practical ways to improve our prayer lives.
Vivid: May 2019
A five part series that focusses on changing the way we view the world. Together we’ll discover that when we see differently, we’ll be different!
Jesus Went: 31 March - 21 April 2019
A five part series leading up to Easter. Together we’ll walk with Jesus as he went: , and finally to the cross.
With Christ in the School of Grace: 30 December 2018
Anticipation: December 2018
A five part Christmas series that celebrates Christ’s birth and anticipates his return. To help us anticipate during this Christmas season, we’ll look at five words together: Rejoice, Praise, Adore, Worship.
Should I or Shouldn’t I: 30 September - 14 October 2018
A three part series that explains how believers should deal with modern issues that the bible doesn’t explicitly speak of. Together, we’ll learn how to navigate the grey areas of Christian living.